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Process Of Hearing

Process Of Hearing

Before understanding any pathology associated to hearing, first we have to understand the Anatomy and physiology of ear. Let us understand how the hearing process will be:

Outer Ear

The function of Outer Ear is it will collect the sounds or waves from the environment and transmit the sounds to the tympanic membrane through an ear canal.

Middle Ear

Middle Ear consists of three tiny bones which are “Malleus”, “Incus”, “Stapes”. Bones are attached to the tympanic cavity, when the sounds or waves pass through tympanic cavity it gets converted in mechanical energy in the middle ear by vibration of the bones. This mechanical energy passes to the inner ear.

Inner Ear

Inner ear consists of cochlea. Cochlea is the main organ of hearing. It contains hair cells as well viscous fluid. Here mechanical energy gets convert in to electrical energy through the motion of the fluid. And finally the electrical impulses sent to the brain through auditory nerve which connects to the cochlea.

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